Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Connecting a Picture and a Quote

I always connect this Garth Williams illustration from Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder with these words from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau:
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
If Laura Ingalls, at the age she was in the picture, had heard that quotation, I'm sure she would have agreed perfectly!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

I'd like to invite you to join me and a growing group of Catholic bloggers at Sunday Snippets. Thanks to RAnn for hosting! I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.

Semper Gaudete!: Special Masses Next Week on EWTN

Semper Gaudete!: Outside Noises

Semper Gaudete!: Homily 2012-07-23 - Fr Joseph Mary MFVA - Weekday

Semper Gaudete!: New Item in Chocolate Collection

Semper Gaudete!: Homily 2012-07-25 - Fr Joseph Mary MFVA - St James - ApostleE

Semper Gaudete!: Book Sent For

Semper Gaudete!: Homily 2012-07-27 - Fr Leonard Mary MFVA - WeekdayE

Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week

Books Read in the Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with a #
"Rose In Bloom"
by Louisa May Alcott
{carried over from last week}
 "Collecting for Beginners"#
by Jeff Figler

"Jo of the Chalet School" 
by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
"The Guides of the Chalet School"
by Jane Berry
{carrying over into next week}
[children's fiction, series, school stories]

Special Masses Next Week on EWTN

Our Lady Of Angels Mass With MFVA Vows and Investiture (Live)
Thurs. Aug. 2 at 8 AM ET, 12 PM ET, & 6 PM ET, Fri. Aug. 3 at 12 AM ET

Mass With The Nuns Of Our Lady Of The Angels Monastery (Live)
Fri. Aug. 3 at 12 PM ET & 6 PM ET
Mass to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale.

I'll be watching these Masses live!

"Collecting for Beginners", by Jeff Figler

"Collecting for Beginners"#
by Jeff Figler
(I blogged about this book before I even received it.
I ordered this book primarily because, like the author's mother, I collect refrigerator magnets. However, while I've been collecting for only a few months, his mother has collected for years. I really expected to read about, and I hoped to see at least one picture of, her collection. However, the author doesn't even describe any of the magnets in his mother's collection. In fact, he really says very little about refrigerator magnets.
On the other hand, he does share some interesting information about collectors and collecting, both in general, and specifically. For instance, I never knew that Frank Sinatra collected miniature trains, and that he had a wooden Italian engine given to him by the Vatican.
He also shares several websites for collectors. I'll check them out before I
decide whether or not to post the links.
So all in all, I like this book, but not for the reasons I thought I would.

(This review appears only on this blog.)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Book Sent For

A few weeks ago, I blogged that I was going to start learning about particle physics. Well, today I ordered this book!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Homily 2012-07-25 - Fr Joseph Mary MFVA - St James - ApostleE

Fr. Joseph begins his homily with a beautiful story about a little boy who was afraid to have a blood test, because of the needle (I know exactly how he felt!), and the loving way his father handled the situation. MUCH better, in my opinion, than saying stuff like, "Be a man," or "Stop being such a baby," or, "Son, you're embarrassing me." All of which phrases, too many children have heard over the years.
[Wow! I kind of sneaked in my own little sermon!]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Item in Chocolate Collection

I've just discovered, and added to my Chocolate Collection, this advertisement for a chocolate snack cake made in Korea.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Outside Noises

Sometimes, when I'm watching the live Mass from EWTN, I  hear (I can't HELP hearing!)  sounds from outside my window.    Some sounds, such as birds singing, I actually enjoy hearing during the Mass . And I don't mind hearing children's voices, cats meowing, dogs barking.
But certain other sounds, such as horns honking, car alarms, trucks driving by, trash being collected, people shouting obscenities, and ANYTHING that makes it hard to hear the Mass... well, THOSE sounds make me wish I could use the mute button on them!
But thank God for the captions!

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

I'd like to invite you to join me and a growing group of Catholic bloggers at Sunday Snippets.  Thanks to RAnn for hosting!  I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.

Semper Gaudete!: Why Didn't I Think of This Before?

Semper Gaudete!: Homily 2012-07-16 - Fr Wade Menezes CPM - Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Semper Gaudete!: Exact Numbers

Semper Gaudete!: Homily 2012-07-18 - Fr Joseph Mary MFVA - Weekday

Semper Gaudete!: New Picture in Rosary Art Collection

Semper Gaudete!: Win Colleen Spiro's EBook, "Blueberry Muffins"

Semper Gaudete!: Wake Up, Little Susie

Semper Gaudete!: Two More Magnets for my Collection

Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Books Read in the Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with a #

"The School at the Chalet"
by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
[children's fiction, series, school stories]
(Carried over from last week)
{As usual, I plan to read the original series
and the fill-ins. Maybe this time I'll be able
to fill in the gaps in my collection. (Not to be
confused with my hobby collections!) }

"Minders of Make-Believe:
Idealists, Entrepreneurs,
and the Shaping of American
Children's Literature" #
by Leonard S. Marcus

"King of the Seventh Grade"
by Barbara Cohen
[children's fiction, Jewish, (Conservative), mainstream publisher]

"Rose In Bloom"
by Louisa May Alcott
{Carrying over into next week}

Two More Magnets for my Collection

I've ordered two more magnets for my decorative magnet collection. This one is offered in both the Food and the Beach section. Rather fitting, when I remember how many Creamsicles my Baba bought for me on the beach!

This one, I fell in love with for its historical significance. And there will probably come a time when cell phones will be a thing of the past, fondly remembered.

Wake Up, Little Susie

I was in nursery school when The Everly Brothers released "Wake Up, Little Susie." Back then, I had never heard of drive-in movies. I also had no idea what the words, "Our reputation is shot" meant. To me, it was just a song about a boy and a girl who had fallen asleep at the movies, and were going to be very late going home.
And so, the first time I heard the song, I asked, with all the logic of a little kid of three and a half, "Well, why didn't their mommies just come and get them?"

Friday, July 20, 2012

Win Colleen Spiro's EBook, "Blueberry Muffins"

Click here for your chance to win a free Kindle copy of  Blueberry Muffins, by Colleen Spiro.
If I don't win, I'm going to buy the book!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homily 2012-07-18 - Fr Joseph Mary MFVA - Weekday

I'd been planning to get the book "Atheist to Catholic" for awhile now.  After hearing Fr. Joseph share one of the stories in the book, I've finally ordered a copy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Exact Numbers

I do not know the exact number of babies who have
been aborted, legally murdered, in this country and
around the world.  
I do not know the exact number of people who are "pro-choice."
 I do not know the exact number of people who
make regular contributions to Planned Parenthood.
But I do know the exact number of babies  who chose to be aborted:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Homily 2012-07-16 - Fr Wade Menezes CPM - Our Lady of Mount Carmel

In this homily, Fr. Wade explains the difference between Satan separating and dividing, and Jesus separating and dividing.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why Didn't I Think of This Before?

I've been praying the Angelus for years, but now I've started to do something more.   Before beginning, I say, "I offer this Angelus for the protection of the unborn."  After all, in the Angelus, we remember Mary's "Fiat," her "Yes."

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

I'd like to invite you to join me and a growing group of Catholic bloggers at Sunday Snippets.  I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.  Thanks to RAnn for hosting!

Semper Gaudete!: Written By the Finger of God: A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Family
Semper Gaudete!: I Just HAD to Order this Book!
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week

Books Read in the Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with a #

"The Moffats"
by Eleanor Estes
[children's fiction, based on the author's childhood memories.]
{carried over from last week}
"Double Trouble Book 1: What a Pair!" #
by Wanda Brunstetter
[children's fiction, Amish]
(Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader)
"A World of Girls"
by L. T. Meade
[children's fiction, school story]
"Princess in Calico"
by  Edith Ferguson Black
[Protestant fiction, no denomination specified.]
(My paperback copy says "Author Unknown", but 
I found the original online, and the author's name is given as Edith
Ferguson Black. )
"Little Eddie"
"Eddie and the Fire Engine"
by Carolyn Haywood
[children's fiction]
"The School at the Chalet"
by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
[children's fiction, series, school stories]
(Carrying over into next week)
{As usual, I plan to read the original series
 and the fill-ins.  Maybe this time I'll be able
to fill in the gaps in my collection. (Not to be
confused with my hobby collections!) }

I Just HAD to Order this Book!

I've just ordered a new book, Collecting For Beginners, by Jeff Figler.  Now, I'm not exactly a beginner; I've had various collections since I was a little girl.  However, I've never let the words
"For Beginners" deter me if the book seems to be one I would enjoy reading.   And this definitely seems to be one I would enjoy reading. (I should probably say, "Will enjoy reading."  It was published recently, and among the items mentioned are refrigerator magnets!  
In the excerpt I read, the author says that his mother will soon need another refrigerator for all of her  magnets!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Life on the Rock - 2012-07-12 - Awestruck Global - Norman Servais and Mark Eames

 Catholics and the social media.
I've already joined Awestruck-Global

Homily 2012-07-12 - Fr Anthony Mary MFVA - Weekday

A wonderful, thought-provoking homily from Fr. Anthony.
We must surrender everything to the Lord.
I love the way Fr. Anthony describes the difference between a
vacation trip and a pilgrimage.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Beg To Differ

I will soon be re-reading Louisa May Alcott's Rose in Bloom.  I had planned to read it earlier in the week, but my paperback copy is in worse condition than I remembered, so I've ordered a hardcover copy through abebooks.com.
I  could  just read it for free online, but Louisa May Alcott is one author whose books I'd rather read in book form.  When it comes to Louisa May Alcott, I'm An Old-Fashioned Girl.
However, I strongly disagree with something she has Rose's Uncle Alec  say about a French novel which he considered unsuitable for her to read.
(Thank God for copy and paste!)
"Ah, my dear, if the fine phrases won't bear putting into honest English, the thoughts they express won't bear putting into your innocent mind! That chapter is the key to the whole book, and if you had been led up, or rather down, to it artfully and artistically, you might have read it to yourself without seeing how bad it is. All the worse for the undeniable talent which hides the evil so subtly and makes the danger so delightful."
He paused a moment, then added with an anxious glance at the book, over which she was still bending, "Finish it if you choose–only remember, my girl, that one may read at forty what is unsafe at twenty, and that we never can be too careful what food we give that precious yet perilous thing called imagination."
 I disagree.  I think that what is poisonous at twenty is poisonous at forty, at sixty, at eighty. 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BIG Trouble Brewing in the Middle East?

Patrick Madrid posted this on Facebook.
He is absolutely right; we need to pray about this!

To Veil, or Not To Veil, that WAS the Question

This post, adapted and expanded from an older one, has so much new material that I am  considering it to be a brand-new post.
For some time after my return to the Catholic Church, I weighed the pros and cons of wearing a prayer veil, or mantilla.  And I must  admit that I was concerned about how others may view it.  Would they see it as a silent admission of my inferiority to men?   On the other hand, would they see it as showing off?  "Look how pious I am; I'm wearing a veil!"
But then I realized that I shouldn't worry about what others might think about my wearing a veil.  The question was whether or not I felt that wearing a veil was right for me.  
(It was so much simpler when women and girls  were  EXPECTED to cover their heads in Church.) 
I debated back and forth with myself, "Should I wear a veil?  Shouldn't I wear a veil?" but to no avail.  
What finally made me decide in favor of the mantilla? 
Part of it was that I am a Jewish convert, and Jewish women ALWAYS cover their heads in the synagogue. 
Part was watching the live Mass on EWTN, and seeing some of the women and girls there with their heads veiled. 
Part of it was that I'm on a fixed income, and really dressy clothes 
are not it my budget, especially since I am seldom able to get to Mass.
A nice lace veil would make my head, at least, look dressy for the Lord, and at the same time be a sign of humility, of submission to God.
I waited for a few weeks, to make sure that wearing a veil wasn't just a whim on my part, and then I made my decision:
I was going to buy, and wear, a veil.
I  now have three prayer veils, which I  purchased through  the EWTN Religious Catalogue.
I wear the mantilla whose color I consider appropriate for the day [black for weekdays, blue, shown above, for Saturdays and Our Lady's feast days, and white for Sundays] at the following times:
1: When I am able to get to Mass.
2: When I watch the live Mass on EWTN.
3: When I watch Benediction and Devotions, Sunday evenings on EWTN.
4: When I pray the Liturgy of the Hours.

5: When I visit a live online Adoration site.

 For me,  wearing a prayer veil at these times enhances the mitzvah. (I love that Jewish word, mitzvah, and praying is definitely a mitzvah!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Color is Tony the Tiger's Nose?

Think you know the color of Tony the Tiger's nose?
You may be wrong. I was. To find out the actual color of Tony the Tiger's nose, listen
to this fantastic homily by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

RU—serious? Jennie McCormack, the next ‘Roe’? Good grief! | LifeSiteNews.com

This article  is very disturbing. Make that sickening!

Let's pray that, like "Jane Roe", Jennie McCormack will have
a change of heart and become strongly pro-life.  

Welcome to Hobby Talk Tuesday

Welcome to Hobby Talk Tuesday, where you can share your crafting and/or collecting hobbies.   Pictures are also very welcome, as are posts about hobby-related books.
To take part, go to your blog and make a post called Hobby Talk Tuesday, in which you
highlight any post or posts you wish to share.  The post should lead back here. Next, come back here and add your link.

 And finally, check out what others have posted here.

No entries so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Books Read in the Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with a #

"Little Men"
by Louisa May Alcott
{carried over from last week}
"Back to School With Betsy"

"Betsy and the Boys"
by Carolyn Haywood
[children's fiction]

"Nurse Fairchild's Decision" #
(original title: "A Cap for Corinne")
by Zilla K. MacDonald
[YA fiction]
"Eight Cousins"
by Louisa May Alcott
"Tabitha's Hill"
by Ruth Holberg
[children's fiction, historical]
"The Moffats"
by Eleanor Estes
[children's fiction, based on the author's childhood memories.]
{carrying over into next week}

Appropriate Words to Wake Up To

I have my clock radio set to wake me up every morning, and I never know
what the first thing I hear will be.   Well, today when the radio came on, the
song "Boogie Oogie Oogie" was playing, and the very first words I heard were:
"Get on up!"
So I started the day with a good laugh.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th, 2013

This time next year, where will our country be?
Or perhaps I should ask,  "WHAT will our country be?"
Will she be a land where people can obey the dictates of
their religion and their conscience?
Or will she be a land where we must obey the dictates of
those in office?
The Fortnight for Freedom has ended, but we must keep
praying that this time next year, America will still be America.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome to Hobby Talk Tuesday

Welcome to Hobby Talk Tuesday, where you can share your crafting and/or collecting hobbies.   Pictures are also very welcome, as are posts about hobby-related books.
To take part, go to your blog and make a post called Hobby Talk Tuesday, in which you
highlight any post or posts you wish to share.  The post should lead back here. Next, come back here and add your link.

 And finally, check out what others have posted here.

No entries so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Another Magnet for My Collection

I've just ordered this beautiful Ladybug Magnet for my collection.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...