"You English Words"
by John Moore
{started last week,finished on Saturday}
"The Summer of the Great-Grandmother"
by Madeleine L'Engle
[non-fiction, autobiography]
{started last week, finished on Sunday}
"Winding Valley Farm:
Annie's Story"
[children's fiction]
(based on her mother's childhood)
{read on Sunday}
"Stairstep Farm:
Anna Rose's Story
[children's fiction]
(based on her own childhood)
{started on Sunday, finished on Monday}
"Willow Wind Farm:
Betsy's Story "
{read on Monday}
"Betsy's Up-and-Down Year"
{read on Monday}
(two books about the author's niece)
by Anne Pellowski
"What Happened to Heather Hopkowitz?"
[Jewish fiction, teenagers]
by Charlotte Herman
{started on Monday, finished on Wednesday}
"Fifth Chinese Daughter"
[non-fiction; autobiography]
by Jade Snow Wong
{started on Wednesday}