Saturday, March 12, 2011

Books Read in the Past Week

"The Art Spirit"
by Robert Henri
Compiled by Margery A. Ryerson

"The Way of a Pilgrim
and The Pilgrim Continues His Way"
author unknown.
Translated by Helen Bacovcin
Foreword by Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.
(Spirituality [Orthodox, Russian] Fiction? Non-fiction?)

{Only two books finished this week}

My First Ash Wednesday

I remember my very first Ash Wednesday, my first day of
fasting as a Catholic. For me it was easy as pie; it was
a piece of cake. (Although, of course, I had neither pie nor
Remember, I am a Jewish convert, a veteran of Yom Kippur
fasts: From a little before sundown until a little after sundown,
no food, and nothing to drink. Not even a sip of water!
The not eating wasn't all that hard (I'm not saying it was a picnic, but who picnicked on Yom Kippur, anyway?).
What I found hard was the "not even a sip of water" part.
So, my first fast as a Catholic was easy in that respect. What I found difficult was figuring out the "two small meals that
together don't equal a full meal."
It was like a combined one-day-diet and math exercise!
When Fr. Kelly asked me how I'd gotten through my first
fast-day, I couldn't help laughing.
"Father," I said, "you don't know from fasting!"

The Glad Game of Lent

The Glad Game of Lent

As an admitted, unabashed Pollyanna lover, I just HAD to
share this post.
Don't miss Karen's article on Pollyanna's Glad Game


I am a multi-blogger, working on several blogs at once.
Thank God we don't have to limit ourselves to just one blog!
Update:I wasn't just multi-blogging. I was over-blogging! I had one blog which was just a collection of advertisements, another that just had posts from various other blogs, including my own... I think I even had a blog about blogging!
Face it, I was a blogaholic. So I finally reduced my blogs to four, and then incorporated them into just one! This one! LOL!

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...