Books read for the first time are marked with a #.
Classics are marked with a *
"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader)
"The Instructed Heart
soundings at four depths" #
by F.J. Sheed
[non-fiction, memoir, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"Roller Skates"
by Ruth Sawyer
[children's fiction, historical]
{carried over from last week}
"The Tempest" *
by William Shakespeare
{carried over from last week}
I haven't read any Shakespeare for awhile;
it's time I got back to his works.
"Pinocchio" *
by C. Collidi (Carlo Lorenzini)
translated by M.A. Murray
[children's fiction]
"Two Hundred Pennies"
by Catherine Woolley
"David's Railroad" #
"Railroad Cowboy" #
[children's fiction]
( loans)
"First We Have Coffee
and then we talk"
by Margaret Jensen
[non-fiction, Christian (Protestant), biography, autobiography]
{carrying over into next week}