I need a pill... for nausea!
I am a Jewish convert to Catholicism, blogging on a variety of subjects. The motto for this blog is: "Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Ew, gross! NY Times, Washington Post reject ad showing Planned Parenthood sex ed images (explicit) | LifeSiteNews.com
Ew, gross! NY Times, Washington Post reject ad showing Planned Parenthood sex ed images (explicit) | LifeSiteNews.com
There was a time when a kid who got caught with pictures like that in school would be in deep, deep trouble.
Now, these pictures are being DISTRIBUTED in the classroom!
We are in deep, deep trouble.
There was a time when a kid who got caught with pictures like that in school would be in deep, deep trouble.
Now, these pictures are being DISTRIBUTED in the classroom!
We are in deep, deep trouble.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Latest Painting in my Rosary Art Collection
This afternoon I added this painting to my Rosary Art Collection. I now have three by Rubens.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival
Come one, come all, to Sunday Snippets! Thanks to RAnn for hosting. I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.
Semper Gaudete!: The Latest Addition to my Rosary Art Collection
Semper Gaudete!: The Latest Addition to my Rosary Art Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Item Added to Vintage Media Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Fox News to Air One-Hour Special on Kermit Gosnell
Semper Gaudete!: Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Semper Gaudete!: Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You”
Semper Gaudete!: Great Words from Fr. Frank Pavone. I need not add anything to them.
Semper Gaudete!: My Collects Collection
Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week
Semper Gaudete!: Fox News to Air One-Hour Special on Kermit Gosnell
Semper Gaudete!: Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Semper Gaudete!: Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You”
Semper Gaudete!: Great Words from Fr. Frank Pavone. I need not add anything to them.
Semper Gaudete!: My Collects Collection
Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week
Books Read in the Past Week
Books read for the first time are marked with a #
Classics are marked with a *
"Learning to Lean" #
"Heidi" *
by Johanna Spyri
[children's fiction]
{carrying over into next week}
(If the game between the Nets and the Bulls hadn't gone
into triple overtime, I would have finished the book today.)
My Baba read this in the original when she was a girl.
She told me that Fraulein Rottenmeier was the first
character in a book she ever hated. And she didn't think
much of Dete either!
"Emma and I" #
by Sheila Hocken
{carrying over into next week}
(openlibrary.org loan)
"The Three Little Pigs #
retold by Steven Kellogg
[picture book]
absolutely hilarious re-telling!
(openlibrary.org loan)
Classics are marked with a *
"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader)
{Sunday book}
{Sunday book}
"The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
translated by Raphael Brown
[non-fiction, Catholic]
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"All About The Angels"
"All About The Angels"
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M.)
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"Life With Mother Superior"
"Life With Mother Superior"
by Jane Trahey
[non-fiction, Catholic, humor]
{Sunday book}
"Elsie's Children"
{carried over from last week}
by Martha Finley
by Martha Finley
"Elsie's Widowhood"
{carrying over into next week}
{carrying over into next week}
[children's fiction, Christian, (Protestant )]
(free Amazon Kindle books)
(free Amazon Kindle books)
"Hobby Collections A ~ Z"
by Roslyn Salny
[children's non-fiction]
{carried over from last week}
by Johanna Spyri
[children's fiction]
{carrying over into next week}
(If the game between the Nets and the Bulls hadn't gone
into triple overtime, I would have finished the book today.)
My Baba read this in the original when she was a girl.
She told me that Fraulein Rottenmeier was the first
character in a book she ever hated. And she didn't think
much of Dete either!
"Emma and I" #
by Sheila Hocken
{carrying over into next week}
(openlibrary.org loan)
"The Three Little Pigs #
retold by Steven Kellogg
[picture book]
absolutely hilarious re-telling!
(openlibrary.org loan)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You”
Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You”
If I were to type all the words there are in every language for "disgusted" or "nauseated", I could not BEGIN to express my feelings.
Actually, the only way I COULD express my feelings would be to barf!
If I were to type all the words there are in every language for "disgusted" or "nauseated", I could not BEGIN to express my feelings.
Actually, the only way I COULD express my feelings would be to barf!
Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Well, of course! As Planned Babykilling's highest ranking supporter, it is his duty to avoid speaking about anything that could make the abortion industry look bad!
Well, of course! As Planned Babykilling's highest ranking supporter, it is his duty to avoid speaking about anything that could make the abortion industry look bad!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fox News to Air One-Hour Special on Kermit Gosnell
Fox News Will Air One-Hour Special Sunday on Kermit Gosnell
Thumbs up to Fox News for this! The program will air at 9:00 PM Eastern Time on Sunday, May 5th.
Thumbs up to Fox News for this! The program will air at 9:00 PM Eastern Time on Sunday, May 5th.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Item Added to Vintage Media Collection
Today is Shirley Temple's 85th birthday, and so I've added this beloved movie to my Vintage Media Collection.
Monday, April 22, 2013
New Magnet Ordered
I've just ordered this refrigerator magnet for my collection. It is a replica of an advertising sign, and will be the second advertisement-themed magnet in my collection.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Latest Addition to my Rosary Art Collection
I've just added a lovely stained glass image of The Ascension to my Rosary Art Collection.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival
Semper Gaudete!: New Stained Glass Image in Rosary Art Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Head of Pro-Abortion Group Pleads Guilty to Arranging Sex With Child
Semper Gaudete!: I Can't Believe I Didn't Blog About This!
Semper Gaudete!: Gosnell Worker: Baby Surviving Abortion Struggled in Toilet Trying to Live
Semper Gaudete!: Collecting Collections (Updated and Re-posted)
Semper Gaudete!: California Bill Would Pay for Creating Eggs for Human Cloning
Semper Gaudete!: New Item in Chocolate Collection
Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week
Books Read in the Past Week
Books read for the first time are marked with a #
"Learning to Lean" #
"Harvest Gold"
"Niagara Falls, Or Does It?"
"Elsie's Children"
by Martha Finley
[children's fiction, Christian, (Protestant )]
"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader)
{Sunday book}
{Sunday book}
"The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
translated by Raphael Brown
[non-fiction, Catholic]
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"All About The Angels"
"All About The Angels"
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M.)
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"The Taming of Polly"
by Ella Loraine Dorsey
[children's fiction, Catholic]
(Free Google e-book)
{Sunday book}
"Harvest Gold"
{carried over from last week}
"Purple Prairie"
by Esther Loewen Vogt
by Esther Loewen Vogt
[children's fiction, historical, Mennonite]
"Cathy's Little Sister"
by Catherine Woolley
[children's fiction]
(openlibrary.org loan)
"Jacob Have I Loved"
by Katherine Paterson
[children's fiction (older children)]
"Niagara Falls, Or Does It?"
by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver
[children's fiction, Hank Zipzer series]
"Elsie's Children"
by Martha Finley
[children's fiction, Christian, (Protestant )]
(free Amazon Kindle book)
{carrying over into next week}
"Hobby Collections A ~ Z"
by Roslyn Salny
[children's non-fiction]
{carrying over into next week}
This Week's Fan Fiction
A Real Fine Filly
a Bonanza fic
An Another World fic;
a "Josie in Trouble" story
with a twist.
An Another World story
California Bill Would Pay for Creating Eggs for Human Cloning
California Bill Would Pay for Creating Eggs for Human Cloning
As opposed to babies being conceived and born in the natural way, in the way God planned!
As opposed to babies being conceived and born in the natural way, in the way God planned!
Collecting Collections (Updated and Re-posted)
I'll end up with a collection of collections!
Then again, perhaps I should start just one more collection, just ONE
more. Maybe I should collect various versions, [including some very
old Latin ones] of the opening prayer at Mass.
Then you could say about me,
"In addition to her other four collections, she also collects Collects!"
Gosnell Worker: Baby Surviving Abortion Struggled in Toilet Trying to Live
Gosnell Worker: Baby Surviving Abortion Struggled in Toilet Trying to Live
Which PROVES that there is no such thing as a pro-abortion baby!
Which PROVES that there is no such thing as a pro-abortion baby!
Friday, April 19, 2013
I Can't Believe I Didn't Blog About This!
This morning, I found, in the kitchen drawer, the top, or umbrella part of one of those paper umbrellas they use to decorate drinks. It had become detached from the toothpick. Of course, that paper umbrella is now in my Break-Off Collection.
The last time I was able to add to this collection was in January, when I found several items that had broken off some Christmas decorations; or perhaps from the same decoration. THAT is what I somehow neglected to blog about.
I'll describe these items more fully in a future post.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Head of Pro-Abortion Group Pleads Guilty to Arranging Sex With Child
Head of Pro-Abortion Group Pleads Guilty to Arranging Sex With Child
Let's pray for the healing of that twelve-year-old girl.
Let's pray for the healing of that twelve-year-old girl.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
New Stained Glass Image in Rosary Art Collection
I've just added this stained glass image, which fits today's Gospel, to my Rosary Art Collection.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival
Come one, come all, to Sunday Snippets. Thanks to RAnn for hosting. I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.
Semper Gaudete!: Stained Glass Picture added to Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Stained Glass Picture added to Collection
(whoever posted this on YouTube must have been really ecxited!)
Books Read in the Past Week
Books read for the first time are marked with a #
"Learning to Lean" #
"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader)
{Sunday book}
{Sunday book}
"The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
translated by Raphael Brown
[non-fiction, Catholic]
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"All About The Angels"
"All About The Angels"
by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M.)
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"Baker's Best"
by Aidel Stein
{carried over from last week}
"No Room For Bakers"
by Emmy Zitter
[children's fiction, Jewish, "Baker's Dozen" series, created
by Miriam Zakon]
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"Baker's Best"
by Aidel Stein
{carried over from last week}
"No Room For Bakers"
by Emmy Zitter
[children's fiction, Jewish, "Baker's Dozen" series, created
by Miriam Zakon]
"Miss Cathy Leonard"
"Cathy Leonard Calling"
(openlibrary.org loan)
(openlibrary.org loan)
by Catherine Woolley
[children's fiction]
"Buffalo Coat" #
by Carol Ryrie Brink
[fiction, historical, biographical]
(Her first novel for adults.)
"Turkey Red"
"Harvest Gold"
by Esther Loewen Vogt
{carrying over into next week}
[children's fiction, historical, Mennonite]
"Buffalo Coat" #
by Carol Ryrie Brink
[fiction, historical, biographical]
(Her first novel for adults.)
"Turkey Red"
"Harvest Gold"
by Esther Loewen Vogt
{carrying over into next week}
[children's fiction, historical, Mennonite]
This Week's Fan Fiction
But It's Still A Child
My first fan fiction story with a specifically pro-life message.
My first fan fiction story with a specifically pro-life message.
of Revealed Relationships.
(To read the story from the beginning, please click here.)
I'm having so much fun writing this!
Saving Stripey
My first "Anne of Green Gables" story.
Ironically, Anne and her family do not appear.
Saving Stripey
My first "Anne of Green Gables" story.
Ironically, Anne and her family do not appear.
Video: Reporter tells CNN: Gosnell “served the community,” gave free medical care | LifeSiteNews.com
Video: Reporter tells CNN: Gosnell “served the community,” gave free medical care | LifeSiteNews.com
Excuse me? Served the community? I disagree. On behalf of hundreds of babies who will never have the chance to serve the community, I very strongly disagree.
While I am praying that Gosnell will be convicted, I am also praying that he will not receive the death penalty, but rather, life in prison. And I pray that he will have a change of heart, be horrified by what he has done, and become pro-life.
Oh, would that make Satan grind his teeth!
Excuse me? Served the community? I disagree. On behalf of hundreds of babies who will never have the chance to serve the community, I very strongly disagree.
While I am praying that Gosnell will be convicted, I am also praying that he will not receive the death penalty, but rather, life in prison. And I pray that he will have a change of heart, be horrified by what he has done, and become pro-life.
Oh, would that make Satan grind his teeth!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Obama’s Budget Eliminates Funding for Abstinence Education
Obama’s Budget Eliminates Funding for Abstinence Education
Since everyone who reads this blog knows just where I stand on the issues of abortion and contraceptives, I'm going to simply look at this from the economic angle.
Contraceptives cost money.
Abortions cost money.
Abstinence does not cost one single cent.
And eliminating funding for abstinence education will not eliminate abstinence education itself. There are still parents and guardians.
Since everyone who reads this blog knows just where I stand on the issues of abortion and contraceptives, I'm going to simply look at this from the economic angle.
Contraceptives cost money.
Abortions cost money.
Abstinence does not cost one single cent.
And eliminating funding for abstinence education will not eliminate abstinence education itself. There are still parents and guardians.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Homily that Inspired a Story
It was during Fr. Denis Wilde's homily this morning on EWTN that I got the idea for my first Pro-life fanfic story. About time, considering that my username at fanfiction.net is ProLiferChelle!
I have to admit that it took me some time to decide which show and which characters to use, and when the story should take place.
I decided not to use any Catholic characters because abortion is NOT just a Catholic issue.
I'm fairly certain that some readers will find the story offensive, and some of them may flame me, but I couldn't let that stop me. What matters is that the story gets read, and, I hope, makes people think.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Stained Glass Picture added to Collection
I've just added a beautiful stained glass image of "Doubting Thomas" to my Rosary Art Collection.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival
Come one, come all, to Sunday Snippets! Thanks to RAnn for hosting. I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.
Semper Gaudete!: New Image in Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Updating a Post from September
Semper Gaudete!: Hooking Kids on Sex Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Agenda
Semper Gaudete!: Wish Mother Angelica a Happy 90th Birthday
Semper Gaudete!: Fr. Mark's Easter Sunday Homily
Semper Gaudete!: NY judge: FDA must make morning after pill available to girls of all ages without prescription | LifeSiteNews.com
Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week
Semper Gaudete!: New Image in Collection
Semper Gaudete!: Updating a Post from September
Semper Gaudete!: Hooking Kids on Sex Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Agenda
Semper Gaudete!: Wish Mother Angelica a Happy 90th Birthday
Semper Gaudete!: Fr. Mark's Easter Sunday Homily
Semper Gaudete!: NY judge: FDA must make morning after pill available to girls of all ages without prescription | LifeSiteNews.com
Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction
Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week
Books Read in the Past Week
Books read for the first time are marked with a #
"Learning to Lean" #
"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader)
"The Instructed Heart
soundings at four depths" #
by F.J. Sheed
[non-fiction, memoir, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"The Instructed Heart
soundings at four depths" #
by F.J. Sheed
[non-fiction, memoir, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
translated by Raphael Brown
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
"First We Have Coffee
and then we talk"
{carried over from last week}
[non-fiction, Christian (Protestant), biography, autobiography]
and then we talk"
{carried over from last week}
"Papa's Place"
by Margaret Jensen[non-fiction, Christian (Protestant), biography, autobiography]
"David's Hundred Dollars"
(openlibrary.org loan)
"A Room For Cathy"
(openlibrary.org loan)
"A Room For Cathy"
by Catherine Woolley
[children's fiction]
"Wise Up, Alex"
"Cool It, Carrie"
"Face Facts, Sky"
"Grow Up, Amy"
by Kate Andrews
[children's fiction, "Making Friends" series]
"A Summer's Lease"
by Marilyn Sachs
[children's fiction (older children)]
"Baker's Best"
by Aidel Stein
[children's fiction, Jewish, "Baker's Dozen" series, created
by Miriam Zakon]
{carrying over into next week}
"Cool It, Carrie"
"Face Facts, Sky"
"Grow Up, Amy"
by Kate Andrews
[children's fiction, "Making Friends" series]
"A Summer's Lease"
by Marilyn Sachs
[children's fiction (older children)]
"Baker's Best"
by Aidel Stein
[children's fiction, Jewish, "Baker's Dozen" series, created
by Miriam Zakon]
{carrying over into next week}
"The Home Has A Heart"
by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
[non-fiction; Christian (Protestant) themes, recipes,
(April chapter only)
[non-fiction; Christian (Protestant) themes, recipes,
(April chapter only)
This Week's Fan Fiction
I've just posted Chapter 10 of Revealed Relationships. It's longer than any of the previous chapters.
This is the only work I've published this week on fanfiction.net. I do, however, have several ideas for new stories saved in a folder on my computer.
This is the only work I've published this week on fanfiction.net. I do, however, have several ideas for new stories saved in a folder on my computer.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Wish Mother Angelica a Happy 90th Birthday
God bless Mother Angelica.
I cannot participate in this, because I've already "liked" EWTN on Facebook.
I cannot participate in this, because I've already "liked" EWTN on Facebook.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Hooking Kids on Sex Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Agenda
Hooking Kids on Sex Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Agenda
This is a new video. I was only able to watch about two minutes of it before I x-ed out. I came VERY close to throwing up! In fact, my supper and my stomach are STILL debating whether or not to part company!
Just when I think PP (Planned Promiscuity?) (Planned Pornography?) can't sink any lower.... they do!
This is a new video. I was only able to watch about two minutes of it before I x-ed out. I came VERY close to throwing up! In fact, my supper and my stomach are STILL debating whether or not to part company!
Just when I think PP (Planned Promiscuity?) (Planned Pornography?) can't sink any lower.... they do!
Updating a Post from September
Update: I never received this order, but my credit card wasn't charged for
I ordered the Traffic Light Magnet again last night, but from another seller.
(The one I'd originally ordered it from no longer has it.) I did not order the Orange Tabby Magnet this time, because I have a set of cat magnets. Also, in order to stick to my budget (not my strong suit!) I had to limit myself to just ONE magnet.
I've already got my eye on several others, but I'll have to wait until the end of April to see what I can afford.
LOL! This update is so much longer than the original post!
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Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future. Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...
Rochelle Brown created the group The Share-Care-Prayer Club I just needed to find a really good, reliable host site. I posted the ab...
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I often hear, during one radio commercial break, three commercials for three rival insurance companies. I remember the days when tv ...