Saturday, November 27, 2010

Prayer Veil

Adapted, renamed, and greatly expanded from a short post in one of my old blogs.

I have a prayer veil, which I purchased from EWTN's online religious store.
I wear it at these times:
1: When I am able to get to Mass.
2: When I watch the live Mass on EWTN.
3: When I watch Benediction and Devotions, Sunday evenings on EWTN.
4: When I pray the Liturgy of the Hours.

I know that it isn't strictly necessary for me to wear this prayer veil, but I think it is a beautiful custom; it enhances the mitzvah.
(I love that Jewish word, mitzvah, and praying is definitely a mitzvah!)

1 comment:

Barb Schoeneberger said...

I am glad you are doing this. When I was growing up, ladies always had their heads covered in church, even when they were cleaning it. Today I always wear a hat or veil to Mass. Hadn't thought of wearing it while praying the Divine Office, though. It seems like a good idea.

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...