Friday, September 25, 2015

New Fanfiction Schedule

I now have seven works in progress posted on, four of which are
"Another World" fics.

"23rd Precinct" [story arcs begin and end, but the nature of this fic allows it to go on ad infinitum. ]
"Dante's Troubles"

"One Careless Moment"
"Revealed Relationships"

In addition to my "Another World" stories, I'm working on:
"Chloe, My Love"
an AU Bonanza fic
"The Poem"
an AU prequel to "The Waltons"
"Unsuited to Each Other"
an AU Katie Rose and Stacy Belford story.

It's hard, sometimes, juggling all these fics, so I've decided on
a posting schedule.

"23rd Precinct"
will be posted on Sunday (in the evening)
"Chloe, My Love"
will be posted on Monday
"Dante's Troubles"
will be posted on Tuesday
"One Careless Moment"
will be posted on Wednesday
"The Poem"
will be posted on Thursday
"Revealed Relationships"
will be posted on Friday
"Unsuited to Each Other"
will be posted on Saturday.

Of course, I will be working on all of these fics throughout the week!

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Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...