Saturday, January 10, 2015

Books Read In The Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with  a #

Books, (except Sunday books) are grouped by author, and not necessarily in the order read.

Sunday books
"His First and Last Appearance #
by Fr. Francis J. Finn, S.J.
[children's fiction, Catholic]
(free online book)
"The Interior Castle"
by St. Teresa of Avila

Weekday Books
"Betsy and the Great World"
 {carried over from last week}
by Maud Hart Lovelace
[Kindle book]

"The Tailor of Gloucester"
by Beatrix Potter
(children's fiction)
[free online book)

"Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping" #
"The Cats' Burglar" #
by Peggy Parish
[picture books]
( loans)

"Try Giving Yourself Away"
by David Dunn
[non-fiction, third edition]
one of my favorite books.
I love the little anecdotes.

"Mardie's Adventures"
"Mardie to the Rescue"
by Astrid Lindgren, translated by Patricia Crompton.
[children's fiction]
Mardie's Adventures  was originally published in Sweden as Madicken.  The American translation is Mischievous Meg.  The translator is  Gerry Bothmer. A chapter is omitted from this translation, and Madicken/Meg is older than in the original.
Mardie to the Rescue, originally published in Sweden as Madicken och Junibackens Pims,
has never been translated for the American market, as several elements were considered unsuitable for children.

"Obvious Adams" 
by Robert Rawls Updegraff
with notes on doing the obvious 
added many years later by the author.
( loan)
"The Sixth Prune"
Robert Rawls Updegraff wrote the
lovely book,"Try Giving Yourself Away", under
the pen name David Dunn

"Bertie Comes Through"

by Henry Gregor Felsen
[teen fiction]
{carrying over into next week}
(This was a great favorite of mine in high school
and junior high school)

A Book for Weekdays AND Sundays
"The Imitation of Christ"
by Thomas A Kempis
[Kindle book]


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Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...