Saturday, January 3, 2015

Books Read In The Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with  a #

Books, (except Sunday books) are grouped by author, and not necessarily in the order read.

Sunday books
"His Luckiest Year" #
"His First and Last Appearance #
by Fr. Francis J. Finn, S.J.
[children's fiction, Catholic]
(free online books)
"The Instructed Heart:
soundings at four depths"
by F.J. Sheed
[non-fiction, memoir]

Weekday Books
"Little Pear And His Friends"
by Eleanor Frances Lattimore
[children's fiction]
{carried over from last week}
( loans)

"Amelia Bedelia's Family Album" #
"Good Work, Amelia Bedelia" #
by Peggy Parish
[picture books]
( loans)

"On the Banks of Appletree Creek"
by "Judith"
[Amish children's fiction]
(I bought this a few years ago, along with some other Amish books.   I wonder if the author took her title from "On The Banks of Plum Creek.")

"Betsy and the Great World"
by Maud Hart Lovelace
[Kindle book]
 {carrying over into next week}

"The Home Has A Heart"
by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
[non-fiction; Christian (Protestant) themes, recipes, 
(January chapter only)
I read this book, one chapter
a month, every other year.

A Book for Weekdays AND Sundays
"The Imitation of Christ"
by Thomas A Kempis
[Kindle book]

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Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...