Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday


My Collections

This post originally appeared, in slightly different form, in one of my old blogs. 

I've been interested in collecting things ever since I read "Herbert", by Hazel Wilson. The first chapter was called "Herbert's Can Collection". That story got me started on my first collection: the LABELS from cans. Later on, I collected soda bottle caps, and then, obsolete words, which I copied into a notebook. That one didn't last long because of my handwriting problem. Another collection I had might best be called Chocolatenia, because it was made up of ads, wrappers, boxtops, ANYTHING to do with chocolate. (And WHY did I remind myself of chocolate NOW????) [This post was originally published during Lent!]
 I also enjoy reading about other people's collections,especially the more unusual ones. I'd sort of like an unusual collection of my own, but I'm not sure that I want to start yet another collection just for the sake of having an unusual collection.

First published here on December 16th, 2010

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