Saturday, May 11, 2013

Liturgical Abuses

I was horrified by the following item from this article.
Let me explain. In Latin America, beside the beautifully and carefully celebrated Masses associated with the major popular devotions, liturgical abuses are still alive and constitute a massive problem in the region.
It is not a situation of omitting or changing the rubrics here and there. The liturgical problems are much more serious. They consist of events like priests “concelebrating” the Mass with the youth at the rhythm of tropical songs in Colombia; “consecrating” cakes with Guayaba marmalade in Venezuela; a “reggae” Mass in Panama; or a priest celebrating with vestments portraying Batman and Robin while squirting holy water with a green-and-red water pistol in Mexico.
This is no exaggeration. Such abuses are happening now.
I read the article with a mixture of shock, disbelief, anger, and sadness.  These so-called Masses are sacrilegious.  They are also ridiculous, in the following sense:


Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd

As for that priest who uses a water pistol at Mass, my opinion is that someone should take his toys away and send him to his room!


RAnn said...

That does sound awful!

Barbara Schoeneberger said...

Not using valid matter for the Consecration invalidates the Mass altogether. It is mortally sinful for the priest. Unfortunately, much of the laity in Latin America are not well educated in the Faith nor in the sacred liturgy and therefore don't know the steps to take to remedy these abuses. Actions that make a mockery of the Mass are one probable reason the Evangelicals are claiming so many Catholics in South and Central America.

Rochelle said...

I hope that,if I ever attended a Mass where the priest did not use valid matters for the Consecration, I would have the courage to stand up and say, loud and clear,
"This is not a Mass. This is sacrilege. This is a mockery,
and EVERY GOOD CATHOLIC here should leave RIGHT NOW!"

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...