Saturday, April 28, 2012

Books Read in the Past Week

Books read for the first time are marked with a #

"Tough Choices for Roxie"
 {carried over from last week}

Chelsea's Special Touch"
 by Hilda Stahl
 [children's fiction, Christian {Protestant, denomination(s) not specified}, series]

"A Pocket Full of Seeds"
 "Lost in America"#
 by Marilyn Sachs
 [children's fiction {older children} historical,
based on the life of the author's friend, Fanny Krieger]
(the second book was written more than 30 years after the first)

"Walt Disney's Spin and Marty
Authorized Edition"
by Lawrence Edward Watkin
{original title "Marty Markham"}
[children's fiction]

(I loved the "Spin and Marty" serials on the original
Mickey Mouse Club.)
(Open Library Loan)

by Mary Christner Borntrager
[fiction, Amish/Mennonite, Ellie's People Series]

"The Naughtiest Girl Keeps a Secret"
"The Naughtiest Girl Helps A Friend"

"The Naughtiest Girl Saves The Day"
 by Anne Digby
[children's fiction, school stories, English, Enid Blyton's Naughtiest Girl Series]
{continuations, commissioned by The Enid Blyton Company}

"The Friendly Persuasion"
by Jessamyn West
[historical fiction, Quakers]
{carrying over into next week}

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Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...