Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ben Walton and Ben Walton

I recently read "The Joys Of Love," by Madeleine L'Engle.
I have also been watching DVR'ed episodes of "The Waltons."
And yes, there is a connection.
One of the characters in "The Joys of Love" is named Ben Walton, and each time
he appeared in the book, I pictured, and heard, Eric Scott!
The book takes place in 1946, the same year as the episodes I am currently watching.
Both Bens are, I believe, roughly the same age.
I love coincidences like this!

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Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...