Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Donut Man

Okay, I admit it...wait a minute! Why am I saying "I admit it?"You "admit it" when
you've done something wrong, or when you feel sort of embarrassed to say something publicly.
Okay, so this isn't an admission. It's a statement, an announcement.
I love watching "The Donut Man" on EWTN. I was watching this morning, and when he did "Cast Your Burden (Hiya, Hiya) with the Donut Repair Club, well, I was on my feet making all the motions with them, maybe not perfectly, but I was having a great time!
Rob Evans (The Donut Man) is a former non-denominational layminister who joined the Catholic Church several years ago. He shared the story of his conversion several years ago on
The Journey Home
Thank God for archived shows!
And ya gotta love Duncan!


kkollwitz said...

Thanks for the link, I listen to archived shows, but never with any recommendations.

Carol@simple_catholic said...

I'm a Donut Man junkie, too! LOL! I used to tape the show for my son and always tried to make sure I could watch it with him. :) I haven't seen it on EWTN in a long while, though.

Rochelle said...

It's on at 9:00 AM Saturday,
Eastern Time.

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...