Monday, August 30, 2010

Mercy, or Murder?

Is euthanasia mercy, or is it murder?
I say, it all depends.
If we are talking about a sick, suffering animal who cannot be helped in
any other way, then it is mercy. It is the last, and the hardest, loving
act we do for a cherished pet.
But when it comes to a human being, then it is murder. Yes, it is hard, very hard, to watch a loved one suffer. When my Baba was dying from stomach cancer, I prayed that God would take her, and when He did, I thanked Him for ending her suffering.
Yes, I thanked Him, but He was the only One Who had the RIGHT to end that suffering.
I would never have done anything to hasten Baba's death, even by an hour. Even by a minute. Even by a second.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

I've joined Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival How about if you join, too?

A Great Investment
One of the best investments I know of is to pray for the Souls in Purgatory. The way I see it, the more souls I help to get out of Purgatory, the less time I'll have to spend there {and the less time in Purgatory, the better!}.
Every soul I help to get out of Purgatory is another Saint in Heaven praying for me.
Posted by Rochelle at 3:49 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post
One Of My Favorite Quotes
Slightly adapted from a post in "Random Things By Rochelle Theresa Brown"
"From silly devotions and sour-puss saints, good Lord, deliver us."
St. Teresa of Avila.
{Some translators have "sour-FACED saints.}
And now, my own deep, brilliant observations:
I know that there are times when Christians should be sober, but there are many more times when we should be joyful. I mean, what's the point of going around looking like we don't expect to go to Heaven?

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

A Great Investment

One of the best investments I know of is to pray for the Souls in Purgatory. The way I see it, the more souls I help to get out of Purgatory, the less time I'll have to spend there {and the less time in Purgatory, the better!}.
Every soul I help to get out of Purgatory is another Saint in Heaven praying for me.

One Of My Favorite Quotes

Slightly adapted from a post in "Random Things By Rochelle Theresa Brown"
"From silly devotions and sour-puss saints, good Lord, deliver us."
St. Teresa of Avila.
{Some translators have "sour-FACED saints.}
And now, my own deep, brilliant observations:
I know that there are times when Christians should be sober, but there are many more times when we should be joyful. I mean, what's the point of going around looking like we don't expect to go to Heaven?

Cast into Hell Satan

Whenever I say the Prayer to St. Michael, when I get to the words "cast into Hell Satan".. oh, the contempt and loathing with which I pronounce the name Satan!
Originally published in "Random Things By Rochelle Theresa Brown"

Prayer Times

I'm trying to work out a schedule for myself; to set aside certain fixed times for prayer. Update: I'm still working out my schedule, but I've figured out that, for the most part, I have to be more flexible than I would be if I were in a convent or monastery. Maybe I should set it within certain parameters, except for Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction.
(Sunday at 6:00 PM)

This post is adapted from a post in "Random Things By Rochelle Theresa Brown"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Death Sentence

The sentence of death was passed. When the appointed time came, they were torn limb from limb, and their heads were crushed.
Were they criminals being executed in a barbaric, primitive society?
No. They were babies being aborted in a {cough cough} civilized, enlightened country.

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...