Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Come one, come all, to Sunday Snippets!  Thanks to RAnn for hosting.   I've discovered some wonderful blogs here.

Semper Gaudete!: New Image in Collection

Semper Gaudete!: Updating a Post from September

Semper Gaudete!: Hooking Kids on Sex Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Agenda

Semper Gaudete!: Wish Mother Angelica a Happy 90th Birthday

Semper Gaudete!: Fr. Mark's Easter Sunday Homily

Semper Gaudete!: NY judge: FDA must make morning after pill available to girls of all ages without prescription |

Semper Gaudete!: This Week's Fan Fiction

Semper Gaudete!: Books Read in the Past Week

Books Read in the Past Week

 Books read for the first time are marked with a #

"Learning to Lean" #
by Richard Maffeo
[non-fiction, Catholic]
{Sunday book} 
(Amazon Kindle cloud reader) 
"The Instructed Heart
soundings at four depths" #
by F.J. Sheed
[non-fiction, memoir, Catholic]
{Sunday book}
 "The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
translated by Raphael Brown
[non-fiction, Catholic] 
{Sunday book}

"First We Have Coffee
 and then we talk"
{carried over from last week}
 "Papa's Place"
by Margaret Jensen
[non-fiction, Christian (Protestant), biography, autobiography]

"David's Hundred Dollars"
( loan)
"A Room For Cathy"
by Catherine Woolley
[children's fiction]

"Wise Up, Alex"
"Cool It, Carrie"
"Face Facts, Sky"
"Grow Up, Amy"
by Kate Andrews
[children's fiction, "Making Friends" series]

"A Summer's Lease"
by Marilyn Sachs
[children's fiction (older children)]

"Baker's Best" 
by Aidel Stein
[children's fiction, Jewish, "Baker's Dozen" series, created
by Miriam Zakon]
{carrying over into next week}

"The Home Has A Heart"
by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
[non-fiction; Christian (Protestant) themes, recipes, 
(April chapter only)


This Week's Fan Fiction

I've just posted Chapter 10 of Revealed Relationships.  It's longer than any of the previous chapters.

This is the only work I've published this week on  I do, however, have several ideas for new stories saved in a folder on my computer.

Encouraging news about EWTN's Fr. Anthony

Fr. Anthony hopes to be back on the air in the near future.  Oh, HOW I'm praying for that to happen! https://franciscanmissionaries.c...